10 Reasons Why Having a Job Rocks
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Tara Shekede

Tara, the founder of Me Plus More, mum of 3 young boys and 2 fish. Plus, I have enough plants to fill a small forest! I also have a bachelor’s degree in applied science and a master’s degree in international public health.
Published: Jul 6, 2022

10 Reasons Why Having a Job Rocks

Having a job is something we are told we are meant to have when we grow up, whether we have a disability or not, but:
Is it something we need?
Or is it something we want?
There are many reasons why having a job rocks.

Here are just 10 of them:

Number 1
A job gives you a sense of purpose. It feels good to wake up every day and know that you have somewhere to be and something to do. Even if your job isn’t your dream job, you can find some sort of fulfillment in knowing that you are doing something with your time.
Number 2
A job gives you a sense of accomplishment. At the end of each day, you can look back and see what you’ve accomplished. This can be really satisfying.

Number 3
A job gives you financial security. Knowing that you have a regular income coming in can give you peace of mind and help you plan for your future.

Number 4
A job provides structure for your day. Having set hours that you work can help to keep your life organised and prevent it from feeling like one big, chaotic mess.

Number 5
A job gives you social interaction. If you are introverted or shy, a job can force you to interact with others and help you build your social skills. Even if you’re not shy, it’s nice to have co-workers to chat with during breaks or after work.

Number 6
A job can give you a sense of belonging. When you feel like you are part of something larger than yourself, it can be really fulfilling. Whether it’s working for a cause you believe in or simply being part of a team, a job can provide that sense of community that we all crave.

Number 7
A job can help you develop new skills. If you feel like you’re in a rut, a job can challenge you and help you learn new things. Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be really rewarding.

Number 8
A job can provide opportunities for growth. If you want to advance in your career, a job can give you the chance to do that. Even if you’re not looking to move up, simply learning new things and expanding your skill set can be beneficial.

Number 9
A job gives you a reason to get dressed up and look presentable. Let’s face it, there are some days when we just don’t feel like putting effort into our appearance. But when we have to go to work, we usually make more of an effort. This can be a good thing, because it can make you feel more confident and put together.

Number 10
Last but not least, a job can give you a sense of satisfaction. At the end of the day, it feels good to know that you’ve contributed something and that your work is appreciated. Whether you’re helping to save lives or stocking shelves at the local grocery store, your job is important and valuable. Feeling like you’ve made a difference can be really fulfilling.

These are just a few of the reasons why having a job rocks. What are some of the reasons you love having a job?