Why Smile Today?

Tara Shekede

Tara, the founder of Me Plus More, mum of 3 young boys and 2 fish. Plus, I have enough plants to fill a small forest! I also have a bachelor’s degree in applied science and a master’s degree in international public health.
Published: May 10, 2022
A lady with a big smile signing Aiuslan with another person

Why Smile Today?

Smiling can be an easy way to reduce stress and improve mood. When you are feeling overwhelmed with work or other responsibilities, just grinning from ear-to-ear might help distract you enough so that it’s easier for the moment! Smiling also has been shown in studies as having many health benefits such as improved heart function which leads me onto the next point – donning that smile may boost longevity rates too!

Smile today because who doesn’t want longer lives?

Here are 6 reasons to smile today

  1. Smiling reduces stress

Sometimes, simply smiling makes you laugh. So, if ever you feel stressed, try grinning from ear to ear, maybe that will help distract you from problems a little!

2.  Smiling improves mood

Seeing people smile and doing it for yourself sometimes does the job of getting you in a lighter mood. It also helps you maintain a positive outlook!

3.  Smiling may help you to live longer

Happy and smiling people have been known to have better health and longer lives. So smile today, as part of your healthy lifestyle!

4.  Smiling is good for your health

From boosting your immune system and lowering your blood pressure, smiling has been found to do that.

5.  Smiling reduces feelings of pain

Aside from elevating your mood, smiling also releases certain chemicals in our body to make us relax and lessen physical pain.

6.  Smile as it affects everyone

A big, bright smile has the power to light a room! So why not smile to make others and yourself feel better!

Smiling can be as simple as looking at an image or video that makes you laugh!

Whether we’re feeling stressed about work/school stressors in our lives or just everyday stresses such as traffic jams on the highway during rush hour; sometimes there’s nothing better than getting rid of those negative thoughts by smiling widely while watching videos online (or even live). So next time life gets tough try laughing along with these hilarious memes – because when people are happy they generally live longer healthier lives than those who don’t.

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